Tori Jayne
Kelly Duff
Susie Crouch
Cristal Jones
Danielle Crismani
Jeanne Oliver
Jessie Donovan-Meece
Elaine Power
Lisa(Little Lovables)
Elaine Power
Lisa(Little Lovables)
Colleen Augustine
Stephen Beifuss
Peg Markle
If there is anyone I missed please let me know so I can add your name and I apologize. BTW, I have saved all photos that were sent in. I may be doing this each month, so maybe if your entry did not get choosen this time around there may be a chance down the road if this is still alright with everyone. I will contact you if I choose to do this and you can let me know if you still want your photos displayed. Thanks everyone~
Contestant #1
Bridal Shower
By: Tricia Jones
Contestant #2
The Pink Party
By: Karon at Sugar coated Designs